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Building Billion Dollar Teams: Harnessing the Power of Creative Generalists in the AI Era

Written by Wethos AI Inc. | Sep 19, 2024 5:47:05 PM


As markets shift and technologies advance, companies are on the hunt for teams capable of sparking breakthroughs, pivoting swiftly, and propelling exponential growth. Traditionally, organizations build teams around specialists — individuals with deep expertise in a narrow area. However, as industries and technologies converge, the most valuable players are no longer just the specialists. Creative Generalists — individuals who possess broad knowledge across various disciplines — are quickly becoming the backbone of modern, high-performing teams.

At Wethos AI, we believe that Creative Generalists, empowered by AI, are the key to building Billion Dollar Teams. By unlocking the potential of these versatile individuals, businesses can thrive in environments where adaptability and cross-disciplinary thinking are more critical than ever.


Exponential Progress: The Rise of Creative Generalists

We're witnessing a technological revolution that's difficult for the human mind to comprehend. Experts project that by 2050, we will experience a century's worth of progress every five years.1 AI models lead this exponential growth, improving five to ten times each year. At this rate, AI could become up to 100,000 times more powerful by 2029 compared to its current capabilities.2

Yet, while technology evolves exponentially, people and organizations tend to advance logarithmically, according to Martec's Law.3 This mismatch calls for constant regeneration, not occasional transformation. Wethos AI is designed to close this gap, offering teams a new business operating system that integrates AI into the fabric of work to amplify human potential and AI's expanding abilities.

This exponential progress has spawned the role of the Creative Generalist, someone who has a wide array of skills and can apply them in multiple domains. As Ian Beecraft noted in his SXSW 2024 talk, these versatile thinkers are crucial for navigating today's rapidly changing business landscape.4 These individuals are increasingly forming the core of "Billion Dollar Teams" - small, agile groups that leverage AI to create outsized value. Creative Generalists bring a unique perspective to problems, drawing on their broad knowledge base. While they may not have deep expertise in one area, their ability to connect ideas across diverse fields allows them to approach challenges from multiple angles. This cross-disciplinary thinking proves invaluable in today's complex, accelerated work environments, enabling these small teams to achieve impacts previously only possible with much larger organizations.


Moving Away from Traditional Silos

Traditional teams rely on specialists working in isolated silos. While effective for specific tasks, this approach can limit innovation potential. In contrast, Billion Dollar Teams, powered by Creative Generalists and augmented with AI, offer a different advantage. These individuals connect ideas across disciplines and flex deeply on demand, bringing fresh perspectives to complex challenges. This cross-disciplinary thinking is particularly valuable in rapidly evolving industries where boundaries between fields are blurring, and where the potential for creating billion dollar businesses is highest.
As these industries continue to transform, Billion Dollar Teams are increasingly turning to advanced technologies to enhance their capabilities. By combining the adaptability of Creative Generalists with the power of AI, these small but mighty teams are redefining what's possible in the modern business landscape.


AI as the Creative Generalist's Superpower

The rise of AI is revolutionizing how businesses operate, but one of its most profound impacts has been the emergence of a new type of knowledge worker: the Creative Generalist. By automating repetitive and data-intensive tasks, AI frees up generalists to focus on high-level thinking, collaboration, and creative problem-solving.

At Wethos AI, we've taken this one step further. Our platform not only enhances the soft skills of individuals by building a behavioral baseline but also augments their capabilities with AI-driven technology. Creative Generalists can use AI to boost their cross-disciplinary work and expand their contributions, regardless of their original expertise.


Lowering the Cost of Intelligence

AI fundamentally changes the economics of intelligence by handling tasks that once required highly specialized, expensive expertise. This shift allows Creative Generalists to step in and fill gaps across various projects and domains. The ability to apply broad knowledge across different contexts, combined with AI assistance, enables them to perform tasks previously requiring specialists.

As a result, organizations no longer need to rely solely on expensive niche experts. Instead, they can tap into the potential of Creative Generalists who can dynamically contribute across multiple areas, significantly lowering the cost of assembling high-impact teams.


Dynamic Modeling for New Teams

One of the critical challenges organizations face is building the right teams for the right projects. Predicting how individuals will work together and complement each other's skills is no easy task, especially in fast-paced environments. This is where Wethos AI excels.

Our platform uses predictive analytics to enhance team composition, ensuring that each person's unique strengths—particularly those of Creative Generalists—are maximized. Whether it's assembling a team for a new project or dynamically reconfiguring existing teams, Wethos AI helps businesses unlock the full potential of their workforce.

Forming teams in real-time is one of the most challenging tasks for any leader. The traditional approach often involves guesswork or relying on past experiences to determine how individuals will fit together. Wethos AI eliminates the guesswork with dynamic modeling, helping leaders assemble new teams on the fly.

By using AI to predict how individuals will interact and which combinations of soft skills will result in the highest performance, Wethos AI enables the formation of agile, high-impact teams. This adaptability is especially critical as teams shift from project to project. 


Augmenting Human Potential

AI doesn't replace humans in the workplace - it amplifies human abilities. Creative Generalists especially thrive in this new paradigm. As AI handles routine tasks, these individuals unleash their core strengths: thinking creatively, connecting disparate ideas, and spearheading innovation. The future of work demands humans and AI working in tandem, with Creative Generalists leading the charge in this symbiotic relationship.

At Wethos AI, we're committed to empowering individuals and teams to reach their full potential. We're unlocking new productivity levels, collaboration, and creativity by combining human soft skills with AI-driven augmentation.



The days of relying solely on specialists and siloed departments to drive business growth are ending. Creative Generalists, empowered by AI, are the key to building Billion Dollar Teams. By enhancing team composition and augmenting individual capabilities with AI, Wethos AI is at the forefront of this revolution.

The future belongs to organizations that can harness the power of Creative Generalists, unleashing their potential to drive exponential value creation. With the right tools and strategies, businesses can build teams that not only survive but thrive in the AI era.


Ready to build your Billion Dollar Team? Discover how Wethos AI can empower your Creative Generalists to drive innovation and exponential growth. Start Your Free Trial or Schedule a Demo now



1 Ray Kurzweil, The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology (New York: Viking, 2005), 36-40.

2 IBM, "AI Roadmap 2029," accessed September 18, 2024, https://www.ibm.com/roadmaps/ai/2029/.

3 Brinker, S. (2013). Martec's Law: Technology changes exponentially, organizations change logarithmically. chiefmartec.com. 

4 SXSW. (2024, March 10). Billion Dollar Teams: The Future of an AI Powered Workforce [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MZoxuxAfTM