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Wethos AI Inc.Oct 17, 2024 2:45:44 PM9 min read

Adaptive Mode: Beyond Founder and Manager Modes


In the world of tech startups, a debate has emerged: "founder" or "manager” mode.  Sparked by Paul Graham's recent essay and championed by high-profile CEOs like Airbnb's Brian Chesky, this discussion has captivated Silicon Valley. However, framing leadership as a binary choice between these two modes oversimplifies the complex reality of effective company stewardship. The truth is, there's no one-size-fits-all model for leadership. Success lies in adaptability, understanding your organization's maturity, and leading your people effectively.  At Wethos AI, we provide an alternative approach: “adaptive” mode, which is now available through the capabilities introduced by artificial intelligence.


Understanding the Modes and Their Pitfalls

Let's first examine each mode and its potential pitfalls to fully grasp the limitations of the binary founder-manager framework and appreciate the need for a more nuanced approach.

Founder vs. Manager mode


The Third Door: Adaptive Mode, Context-Dependent Leadership

While founder and manager modes have their merits, the most successful leaders often embrace a third option: adaptive leadership that combines elements of both approaches. This hybrid style allows leaders to:

  • Leverage the visionary aspects of founder mode
  • Utilize the scalable processes of manager mode
  • Flex between hands-on involvement and strategic oversight as needed

The key is to adapt your leadership style based on your organization's maturity and the needs of your team.


The Spectrum of Leadership Styles

Consider the approaches of these tech leaders:

Brian Chesky (Airbnb), Steve Jobs (Apple)
  • Lean toward founder mode
  • Deeply involved in operations
  • Believe in the unique value of founder insight
Reed Hastings (Netflix), Mary Barra (General Motors)
  • Trend closer to manager mode
  • Focus on high-level strategy and cultural transformation
  • Empower the executive team to execute on the company's vision
Melanie Perkins (Canva), Mark Zuckerberg (Meta)
  • Demonstrate a hybrid approach
  • Delegate more as the company grows
  • Maintain strategic control while empowering the management team but can pivot back to a "Founder mode" during times of strategic importance. For example, Meta adopted an AI “All-in” approach two years ago, pivoting from the current focus on virtual reality.

The varied outcomes of companies under different leadership styles highlight the potential advantages of adaptive leadership over fixed approaches. Airbnb's profit growth under Brian Chesky's Founder mode contrasts with its lagging stock performance and operational issues. At the same time, Steve Jobs' visionary leadership at Apple drove innovation but led to high employee burnout. Conversely, Reed Hastings' Manager mode at Netflix enables impressive scaling. Still, it faces challenges in maintaining innovation, and Mary Barra's leadership at GM successfully navigates industry transitions but sometimes lacks the agility of newer competitors.

These examples show how fixed styles can be effective in certain phases but may become limiting as companies evolve. Founder mode can drive innovation but hinder scaling, while manager mode excels at scaling but might slow innovation or distance leadership from ground-level insights. 

Adaptive leadership, as demonstrated by Mark Zuckerberg at Meta and Melanie Perkins at Canva, offers a more flexible approach. It allows leaders to maintain product involvement, while delegating operations, and pivot strategically when needed. This adaptability enables smoother navigation of growth phases and industry shifts, leveraging strengths of both founder and manager modes as required.

Ultimately, while fixed styles can yield success, they carry limitations that may intensify over time or in changing markets. Adaptive leadership can lead to sustainable long-term success and resilience by blending visionary aspects with scalability. It recognizes that optimal leadership evolves with a company's maturity, people, and challenges, allowing for a dynamic balance between hands-on innovation and strategic oversight.


Adapting Leadership to Company Growth

The most successful companies adapt their leadership approach as they grow:

  1. Early "Foundery" Stage
    • More founder-mode elements often work best
    • Small, tight-knit team with broad skill sets
  2. Growth Phase
    • Hybrid approach becomes necessary
    • Leaders balance hands-on work with delegation
  3. Maturity Stage
    • More manager mode elements, but maintaining an innovative spirit
    • A balance between established processes and continued innovation

It's crucial to note that these stages aren't about switching completely from one mode to another but about finding the right blend of approaches for each phase. Often, organizations are required to “flex” their approach based upon various strategic priorities, pivoting as needed due to competitive threats, the emergence of technological breakthroughs, or crisis management. 


The Wethos AI Approach: Data-Driven Team Dynamics & the Importance of Understanding Your People 

Data-driven approaches to understanding team dynamics are invaluable in the quest for adaptive leadership. A particular leadership style is just one piece of the puzzle. The composition and dynamics of the entire team play an equally crucial role in a company's success. Understanding your people and how to lead them effectively is paramount and can dictate which leadership style is warranted based on the situation.

Wethos AI offers leaders powerful insights to optimize their leadership style and team composition by using data and behavioral science to better understand your people and incorporating that analysis into company operations.


Comprehensive Behavioral Analysis

Wethos AI analyzes four key behavioral scales that reflect how individuals and teams make and execute on decisions in the workplace. By analyzing these scales, Wethos AI provides leaders with a multidimensional view of their team's strengths, potential blind spots, and optimal working dynamics.

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Identifying and Addressing Cognitive Biases

While these scales offer valuable insights into team behavior, Wethos AI recognizes that cognitive biases also influence decision-making. These biases can significantly impact how individuals interpret and act on information, often leading to suboptimal outcomes. To provide a more comprehensive understanding of team dynamics, Wethos AI also identifies and addresses numerous cognitive biases that can affect leadership decisions and team interactions.

Cognitive bias refers to systematic patterns of deviation from rational judgment, where individuals make decisions based on their subjective perception of information rather than objective reasoning. This often leads to errors in thinking, especially when processing complex data or in high-stakes environments like business. Some common examples include:

  • Confirmation Bias: The tendency to search for, interpret, and remember information in a way that confirms one's preconceptions. Leaders may only seek data that supports their existing strategies, overlooking critical information that could point to a need for change.
  • Anchoring Bias: Relying too heavily on the first piece of information encountered (the "anchor") when making decisions. This can lead to poor judgment when negotiating or setting goals, as initial information can skew perspective.
  • Availability Heuristic: Making decisions based on immediate examples that come to mind, often recent events or memorable experiences, rather than a broad set of data. This can cause teams to prioritize short-term wins over long-term strategy.
  • Sunk Cost Fallacy: The inclination to continue a project or strategy based on the amount of resources already invested, rather than evaluating its current value. Leaders may hesitate to pivot, fearing that abandoning a course of action would waste prior investments.
  • Overconfidence Bias: This is often seen in founders who may overestimate their abilities or the potential of their ideas.
  • Action Bias: The tendency to favor action over careful planning or inaction, even when action isn't the best choice.

By identifying these biases alongside the behavioral scales, Wethos AI offers a comprehensive framework for understanding team dynamics and decision-making processes. This holistic approach enables leaders to make more objective and effective decisions, leveraging their team's strengths while mitigating the impact of cognitive biases. 


Customized Leadership Development

Wethos AI empowers leaders to unlock true adaptive leadership by providing a dual-lens analysis of team dynamics. Simultaneously mapping behavioral scales and identifying cognitive biases offers an unparalleled, 360-degree view of decision-making processes. This comprehensive approach catalyzes leadership evolution:

  • Enhanced Self-Awareness: Leaders gain deep insights into their biases and behavioral tendencies, enabling them to adapt their style consciously.
  • Team Optimization: Understanding the interplay between team behaviors and cognitive biases allows leaders to leverage strengths and mitigate weaknesses strategically.
  • Agile Decision-Making: With objective data, leaders can swiftly adjust their approach based on real-time team needs and challenges.
  • Bias Mitigation: By highlighting potential blind spots, Wethos AI helps leaders make more balanced, effective decisions across various scenarios.
  • Continuous Adaptation: The ongoing analysis encourages a culture of constant improvement, where leadership style evolves in tandem with the organization's growth.

This holistic framework doesn't just inform—it transforms. It equips leaders with the tools to fluidly shift between founder and manager modes, crafting a unique, adaptive leadership style that propels their team and organization to new heights of success.


Team Composition 

Beyond individual insights, Wethos AI helps leaders enhance their team composition. 

Wethos AI empowers leaders to master adaptive leadership by providing critical insights into team composition. Analyzing behavioral patterns across the team reveals how different leadership styles impact team dynamics, allowing leaders to fluidly adjust their approach based on team makeup and project needs. This dynamic understanding enables leaders to seamlessly transition between 'founder' and 'manager' modes, ensuring they're always in the optimal stance to maximize their team's potential in ever-changing business landscapes.

Key features of Wethos AI's team composition analysis include:

Complementary Trait Identification:
  • Reveals synergies among team members' behavioral patterns
  • Guides leaders on when to foster peer-to-peer collaboration vs. taking a directive role

Conflict Prevention and Management:
  • Highlights potential areas of misalignment or friction within the team
  • Suggests preemptive adjustments to communication and management styles

Optimal Team Structuring:
  • Recommends ideal team compositions for various project types and challenges
  • Supports leaders in adopting the right mode, from visionary to operational, as needed

This approach to team composition empowers leaders to continually refine their leadership style, enhancing their adaptability and effectiveness in dynamic business environments.

Adaptive Leadership and Striking the Right Balance

Recognizing that leadership needs evolve as organizations grow, Wethos AI offers crucial insights on adapting leadership styles throughout different growth stages. This approach helps leaders strike the right balance, adapting their style to the company's needs while fostering a healthy work culture. The Wethos AI methodology achieves this by:

  • Providing data-driven insights into team dynamics
  • Allowing leaders to adjust their style based on company stage, team composition, and areas of strategic importance
  • Identifying and addressing a wide range of leadership biases
  • Fostering an environment where both business and people flourish

By leveraging these insights, leaders can develop a truly adaptive leadership style, navigating the complexities of their organization with greater confidence. This level of understanding and adaptability is crucial in today's fast-paced business environment. It allows leaders to move beyond the simplistic dichotomy of "founder mode" versus "manager mode," instead crafting a unique leadership approach that evolves with their organization and brings out the best in their team.


Conclusion: The Adaptive Leader

The most effective leaders navigate fluidly between different approaches, guided by:

  • Data-driven insights from platforms like Wethos AI
  • Empathy for their team
  • A clear vision for their company's future
  • Awareness of their own biases and limitations

They understand that leadership isn't about adhering to a single mode, but about creating an environment where:

  • Innovation thrives
  • Processes scale effectively
  • Teams reach their full potential

The true power of leadership lies not in choosing between founder and manager modes, but in forging a dynamic synthesis of both. Craft a leadership style that's as unique as your company's DNA, integrating a founder's visionary drive with a seasoned manager's strategic acumen. This approach must evolve in lockstep with your organization's growth, team dynamics, and market challenges.

Stay vigilant against cognitive biases derailing even the most carefully crafted strategies. The most influential leaders don't just adapt—they anticipate, seamlessly shifting their approach to meet the ever-changing needs of their team and organization. In the arena of modern business, flexibility isn't just an asset—it's your competitive edge.


Start Your Free Trial or Schedule a Demo now to explore how to incorporate adaptive mode into your organization.